Un poco de estimulación auditiva

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009


Ritual de suicidio japonés... Practicado por los honorables samuráis... Cuando ya no querían vivir en la deshonra... Esa técnica ha caído en desuso como lo era originalmente, un poco macabro si se puede decir. Actualmente, solamente un inserta un filosa daga en su vientre y adiós... Hace unos 8 años, el papá de dos hermanos estaba en la cúspide del mundo, era un poco torpe, pero era el chingón. Aunque de repente, se empezó a caer y como era un poco habituado a las prácticas deshonrosas de competencia, necesitaba capital, arrebatárselo a su competidores a como diera lugar. Sus competidores le odiaban por eso. Además de que sus hijos ya no daban para más, necesitaba eliminarlos.

Era un plan maestro, contrataría a dos traidores de sus competidores para estar molestando a los chicos y hacerles creer a todos que los chicos fueron víctimas de un asesinato, de un atentado contra ellos de parte de un loco que quería ver a su padre afectado y trastornado por la muerte de sus retoños. Mientras papito se quedaba con todo, porque iba a culpar a sus competidores de eso. Poco a poco el plan iba resultando cada vez mejor, los hermanos ya no se soportaban entre ellos ni ellos mismos, se peleaban por cualquier cosa, hasta se peleaban por que el otro podía ver más allá, era un verdadero mirador. El otro, traía un peinado como pararayos, y también se peleaban por eso. Se peleaban por que el del pararrayos de cabello siempre miraba al norte y el otro miraba el sur y más allá del sur.

Las personas a su alrededor lo veían todo normal, a pesar de sus peleas, estaban completamente segadas de lo que pasaba al interior del corazón de esos dos tipos. Y lo que iban a hacer con ellos... Finalmente, en la mañana de un día, mientras iban caminando a la escuela, los dos ya no aguantaban su condición... De repente los dos traidores se presentan de la nada y ellos cuentan todo. Les fascinaba la cultura japonesa, así que decidieron irse del mundo mediante el hara-kiri. Curiosamente los tipejos traían dagas... Manos a la obra... el primero que se navajeó fue el chico del pararrayos de cabello... 16 minuos más tarde, su hermano el mirador... Ambos tuvieron una larga agonía.

A pesar de ser el segundo en enterrarse la daga, el chico "sur" cayó primero y finalmente dio su último respiro. Poco después caería el otro chico... Consumado... Todo... Ahora si el padre podía ratear a gusto... Pero al pasar unos cuantos años, ha acumulado un desprestigio enorme de parte de sus colegas y poco a poco se va filtrando que lo que hizo fue un hara-kiri para quedarse con todo, un hara-kiri que costó sangre, y que ha costado mucho más que eso...


Ondas viajando por un canal llamado aire... Sin ese canal, esas ondas no llegarían a ningún lado, pero sobre todo, no llegarían a nuestro aparato auditivo, esas ondas se convierten en hermosas vibraciones en los minúsculos huesos auditivos y de ahí al tímpano, vibraciones locuaces que nos permiten oír el bello canto de un pájaro, un concierto, una explosión, un choque, el tic-tac de un reloj y los ruidos urbanos típicos de las 5 de la tarde...

La vibración espiritual, esa que te hace sentir el rey del mundo, todo mundo te halaga, tu mismo te hechas cinco mil porras y vas filoso a un examen o a conquistar a la princesa de la torre en desgracia, esa chica con la que uno ha tenido de todo, obsesionadísimo, hasta sueños húmedos. Pero típico del ying y el yang, no falta un soberano tipejo o tipeja que empieze a mandar unas "malas vibras", al estilo santero. Pestes y pestes aterrizan en el olfato de uno y esa masa de viento maloliente llega hasta el cerebro, y el corto ciruito neuronal entra en acción... Y todo se derrumbó dentro de uno... La chica se va con otro y el examen es desastrosamente reprobado...

Abajo de las placas continentales, vibraciones pequeñas comienzan una fiesta de droga... LSD, marihuana, coca, lo que se les plante enfrente... Luego, tanta voladera y orgía da lugar a espantosas vibraciones que pasan de la placa y llegan a la corteza. Sale uno volando por la ventana, o es aplastado por escombro aún vibrante. Los relojes desaparecen, los segundos se convierten en horas, los minutos en días y las horas en años. No sabe uno en qué día está, o en que año... El miedo absoluto multiplicado por la fuerza de la vibración hace que uno haga desaparecer al cerebro... Se acabaron... Gracias al Cielo...

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

Agradecimientos por "The City"

Solo dos, a Vangelis, por haber creado ese maravilloso disco del mismo nombre (The City) que inspiró esta mini historia. Y a mis amigos que leen este blog, jeje...

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

The City Part VIII (Final)... Procession

After a little love making, i approached the giant window of my flat... it was 10 pm, curfew was now in effect. Yes, i know Red, i made a lie to comfort Joe, there is really a curfew in London... The procession was very slow in speed, all the people had to pass trough tight security filters, everyone suspicious had to suffer a humiliating session of questions and answers... Any one who carried some papers orienting a plot versus the Supreme Chancellor was immediately killed, at the eyes of half London. The turists were treated like scum, and some of them were killed only for carrying a Bible or an Ipod.

The drunk were also killed, my god, what was this government was up to with those strange measures. Then, like 10 minutes later, a military procession was passing, marching fast, directly to the base some 10 streets from here. Always these terrible things happened if you were not home before 10, like Red and me. It was also an ugly evening, a lot of clouds, no stars, and New Moon; every time there was New Moon, terrible thins happened... So i was sure this was going to be a stressfull period of time.

Then, the classic procession of deported people, among them, some important turists, traitors to the country that received mercy and a lot of peacefull people from Africa and Latin America that only come here to have a good life and a good job. The planes were ready to take them to different and unknown places, not even the chief of police of the borough knew these locations. Those places were only known by members of the Fist, of course, they were present. Before the people boarded the planes, they were disgustingly tourchered, spitted and also the men received a brutal kick in the nuts. When i saw Joe Pino in there, i almost had a heart attack... Thank God he still had his happiness with him. Suddenly, i don't know how he knew where i lived, but he raised his head and said to me goodbye with his hand, a tear dropping in the action... I think he was happy because he finally was living this shithole.

Thank heaven he did not received the brutal kick or spits. I would never see him again, my God, two friends of mine gone in only one day. And to make things worse, your hotness Susan De Witt was also there, she barely could walk, because of the injuries of this afternoon. They treated her less than scum. They literaly terminated her legs, broke her jaw, a brutal kick in the pussy, spits and acid on the toes, that was new. Finally they ended with a poor mexican fellow, the Fist kicked the crap out of him.

I felt dizzy, three good friends out of my site, luckly i had Red, my dear precious girl, she always was warm and her skin was as soft as a silk blanket. She saw me shed some tears, so she cleaned them with her hand, touched my cheeks and gave me a tight and heartwelming hug. She had a special ability to sense depression. After that, we had some muffins for supper. Then it was time for bed. Like in dawn, i stop a little to think about the night and what was going to happen tomorrow, if i am going to die, or going to survive another day. I remembered my actions of the day, and prayed for the souls of Parsely, Mr. Longtheastrall, Pino, Swanson and De Witt, and for all the souls of England, specially mine and Red's... For all the sins i commited trough the day...

I gave a last look trough the huge window of my flat, another procession was going on, i didn't give a fuck about it. I only had eyes for the beautifully iluminated modern building in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham... I gave Red a huge french goodnight kiss, and we went to sleep together, with the red emergency lights caressing our bodies... Goodnight London, goodnight my dear city...

(And another day in London came, the city was opened again officially, but there was no more morning papers and no more morning sandwich, after all, my beloved friend Mr. Longtheastrall was dead, and all the journals were surprisingly closed after the Procession of the Deported of last night... The stupid emergency speakers were on again with the stick the thumb into the fingerprint reader process... Red and I walked away from King's Cross... We were on procession to Heathrow International Airport....)

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

The City Part VII... Red Lights

We left Tower Brige at 7 pm, curiosly, it was rush hour, not 5, 7 pm it was. I did not activate the flying system. I wanted to remember the old times, were a red light was always caressing you in a way you elevate your temper and explode in anger. The traffic was obviously slow, everybody was exiting their job, or were turists returning to the hotel or going to the most popular pub. But, no, the traffic was slow because an accident ocured, three vans versus one double decker. My God, horrible accident.

The traffic was also slow because no policemen were conducting it, for God's sake, this is the first world, policemen are not affraid of rush hour traffic. But no, they rely entirely on the traffic lights, load of imbeciles. Well, in the rush, Red gived me a short but pasionfull french kiss. Told you she was lusty. Yes my friends, red lights everywhere, in the corner, in a brothel, in a sex shop, in a pub, in the back of all the cars stuck in the traffic, yes my friends, the symbol of the evening, a large conglomeration of red lights, simply beautfull, simply urban, very nice.

There were also red lights in the sky, some combat interceptors from the Supreme Army were flying over London in case a riot took place. That hour was also the ideal one to get extremely drunk. We stopped in Red Light District, haha, prostitutes everywhere, taking advantage of the slow traffic to catch some nice fish. Curiosly one of them knocked my window, it was my good high school friend Olivia Swanson. Yes, she was a prostitute, but still my friend. She lost all of her family in the Eugenic Wars of 2013, so, she liked sex and decided to become a prostitute. She respects me a lot, with passenger or not, she never fools around with me.

Hey girl, how is the job going? Never better Lucas, these massive traffic waves are making us rich, hahaha... Oh, hello Georgette, long time no see you girl... Olivia, i can not believe you are into this... Haha, i love red Georgie, i love passion, i love sex, besides, after the death of my entire family, i had no where else to go... OK, finally the traffic is flowing, nice seing you Olie, take care girl... Thanks Lucas, bye Georgie...

Well, the traffic kept slow, slow and slow my friends... Finally we reached the hospital to pay respects to the family of Mr. Longtheasrall, and to say a first goodbye to a dearest friend of my family and heroe of England's journalism. We stayed there like 10 minutes and then resumed our journey into the calm and slow flow of a river named traffic... At last, we reached Stamford Bridge and there was the huge condo building were my flat was.

I entered the bathroom... Made my necessities, when i came out, the normal bulbs were subtituted by red ones... Red huged my from behind and aproached her hand to my crotch... I knew what that meant... And also the red lights...

sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009

The City Part VI... Twilight

6 pm... After fooling around with Red (love making included), and having a couple of drinks, the "emergency simulation" was back again, but fuck, i did not put my thumb in there again, i exploded and was very pissed off. Having to do that every fuckin 5 minutes... My God, this stupid government has a sloppy grip as i already told you, nothing is going to happen if someone does not stick the thumb in the machine. Red did that and the Fist has not even noticed. The sun was beginning to get back to its original place, time that the city of London gets a little calm.

The site from my window was beautifull... Since i was in high school, i adopted the tradition, invented by me, to watch the twilight from the Tower Bridge. So, i took Red with me... Both entered the car and flew to Tower Bridge. I showed my carnet and passed. My god, it was beautifull, lucky i had my Nikon D5550 with me. I took wonderfull pictures of the site, it was really amazing, like always. The lights of every building turning on, a great night urban atmosphere was stepping in. Shame no clubs were alowed in this "peacefull" time.

Tower Bridge, since 2012, was very calm, very few turists visited it. Perhaps for the tighter procedures for the turists to get an UK visa. But, you know, it was better. I enjoyed it even more that the years before 2012. Peace, quiet, with the women of my dreams next to me, giving me small kisses in the cheek, all the twilight spirit in her, remember folks: the twilight is ALWAYS a romantic moment, hahaha.

Twilight, for me, it is also a simbol of life, the end of a day... The end of a life... How everything that rises, has to fall sometimes. In this little journal of a day in the city, i always mention before 2012, 2012 this and 2012 that. OK, the world in that year had the twilight of caotic but fun existence. But was the end of a cycle. The crisis got worse and worse, and that stupid orwellian idea of a New World Order was stronger, and stronger, and stronger. It was dawn for that idea, and twilight for liberty, fun, dignity... Today, the New Order has brought peace and prosperity, but at a very HIGH price. We have a "screen" of liberty, fun is very limited and there is no privacy and there is no dignity. Everybody can step over you if they can and you do not have the right to protest.

THAT IS the reason of fuckin you off with 2012. Twilight, is beautifull, but depressing sometimes, luckly i have me little Red Hair, my mother has changed a lot, also i am lucky to have few friends over in the Greater London Authority. Sometimes when i see twilight i shed some tears (who says a man can not cry?)... When is going to be the end of this stupid world as we know it? When the old world is going to return?... Then, my mobile ranged. The hospital informed me of the unfortunate death of Mr. Longtheastrall... The twilight of a brilliant life... My god, i smashed my phone and screamed... As i told you, he was like my father, my right arm... I could not stop screaming of anger and sadness... He was only bruised... An infiltration from the government and some lethal injection was the answer for this death...

Luckly i had my little Red Hair... Making me company in a beautifull, but sad moment a twilight is... This lousy era someday, is going to have its twilight.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

The City Part V... Good to see you

Pentonville Prison, yes, were a lot of shit eaters and inocent people are behind bars, moaning, getting madder every day... Well that was before 2012... I steped out of my car, a lot of people out in the main plaza of the area; i walked like a mile to get to the prison's main gate. Entered, and rapidly i showed my national carnét, no inspections of any kind, no touching of my balls for cannabis or cocaine... Today, this prison is like a hospital, every soul that enters this prison becomes a mind controled zombie. Yes, that's right, their face denotes depression, sadness, but also calm.

And there he was, the person i was looking for, an old friend of my father... Minister of Public Relations of the Greater London Authority Joseph Pine, better known in the journalistic world and in the activistic circles as Joe Pino. This guy never had a problem expressing himself. In 2011, after leaving City Hall, he immediatly won the Pullitzer Price for a report of extreme right wing politicians threatening the peace of the UK and some corruption issues concerning them. Then, from 2012 to 2014 he was the Voice of London in ITV... A real pain in the ass for the Supreme Chancellor... In 2015 he leaded a plot to shoot and kill the Supreme Chancellor and all his cabinet, but unfortunately, he failed. I was part of that brave group. After being charged for sedition, murder attempt and another false charges he was thrown here...

He sitted in front of me, he was as happy as usual, he had a great positive spirit, not even all the chemicals and devices used to tranquilize the interns functioned with him, that was 100% Joe Pino. LUCAS!!! MY DEAR BOY!!! HOW ARE YOU?!... Fine Joe, very fine indeed, thank you... How are you?... Fine my dear boy, i eat bad, i shit bad, my head always hurts, but they are never going to trash the spirit of Joe Pino, HAHAHA, LOAD OF LOOSERS!!! Yep, that is you Joe. We talked a lot, problems in England, the old free days, the Supreme Chancellor and his 3 husbands (yes, he was gay and with only one testicle) and the proposed curfew for London, Liverpool, Manchester, Portsmouth, Newcastle, Birmingham, Leeds and Bristol.

That's a load of bollocks, curfew in London? in the most beautifull city in the world? What is that tinkerbell thinking my dear boy? I don't know Joe, not even De Witt wants to tell me... the police is at top knotch, all the people is peacefull, they don't disturbe anybody... I believe to many LSD is making the Chancellor paranoid... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I also told him i was acting mayor of the city and that thanks to Mr. Longtheastrall, i putted and end to the sex scandall... FINALLY THOSE TWO PERVERTS ARE GOING TO FEEL MY RAGE!!! MUAHAHAHA... Calm down Joe... Well OK... Then a stupid novice guard entered and wispered to me... Time is up Ashton... I punched him in the stomach and said... MR. MAYOR TO YOU, FAGGOT. The boy rapidly ran scared. Well Joe, it was good to see you...

I reminded i had a special visitor at home so i borded my car and use the special flying device to avoid traffic. Remember a couple of hours ago in the proximities of London Tower? Well, she was the special visitor... How do you feel girl? Fine Lucas... Long time no see darling, were am I? In my flat Red Hair... (I always said to her red hair, haha, she loves it)... Oh, wicked. How is the job at City Hall? Demanding Red, but satisfying, i am well paid, i do the best to turn corruption into honesty and all that bullshit Red, how about you? Well, as you already know i am a little bit ill, i went to Argentina and caught that stupid H1N1 virus, it has appeared again, thank God there is medicine for that shit... And also i was missing you of course...

(Her real name is Georgette Smith, and as me, she always has been walking in the side streets, that is why we fell in love immediatly, and also, she was also part of the Pino group that wanted the Chancellor six feet under, we fell more in love with that, but after the failure, we were forced to separate some time)

Like Joe, we talked a lot about the old days, and also we turned cursy and talked about the day we met... A kiss... A hug... Another kiss... Then she reacted... LUCAS! I HAVE THE VIRUS! DO NOT KISS ME!... HA, i don't care Red, i also missed you, badly... I thought you were captured by the Fist, i was always worried for that, because you never put your thumb in the device... You are a rebel as me, my girl... That's why i love you...

It is really GOOD TO SEE YOU... I don't want you out of my site never again...

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

The City Part IV... Side Streets

Well... My work is finished in City Hall. 5 o' clock... Time to go to visit somebody special... No dinner with Mrs. De Witt, you already know what caused the appointment to drop. Well, i went to the official car and began a tour of London... I didn't remember the city being this big, it was like i was a turist of some kind... Streets everywhere...

This made me remember that i always acted in the sideline, in the side streets... I was always second in my family, the side one. I never wanted to be in the main road. I always have like to be different than others, that's the main point of a human being, everyone is original and unique. Not even a clone of us is like us... Physically is the same shit... But who knows how the clone is going to react? Nobody.

Yes, that was me folks... My father, atheist, radical, corrupt, a complete drunk, cannabis addict... My mother, francmason (yes, in 2012 they began to accept women), idealist, sometimes stupid, sexually submissive, and she always licked the Supreme Chancellor's portrait, like my father... My brother and sister were the same as them, only that changed papers, haha... And me, the great difference... I did not follow the shamefull main line of my parents and stupid brothers... I did not follow the main shopping street. I was in the side streets, and i was in Abbey Road, to be specific...

Yes, Abbey Road, the famous street were the Beatles reached the status of leyends and then the status of GODS... Greatest Englishmen ever. Abbey Road always relaxed me a lot... Every day i finished work i parked my car in front of the EMI studios... Even with all the turists, it has always been a peacefull street, full of magic... Always makes me fly out of the world, out of the planet, out of the galaxy.

After Abbey Road, i visit Byward Street, magical one, the Tower of London just few steps were i parked my car. I remember it like yesterday, it was were i met my beloved girlfriend, her curly hair been caressed by the wind, her dazziling figure, plump lips, moon eyes and freckles, yes, she's a red hair... Believe it or not, like i had invoked her, SHE WAS THERE... I got out of the car, huged her, and took her to my apartment... She was a little bit ill... But as me, she was a side streeter... I loved her with all my heart... I prepared a soup for her... Left her asleep and again to the streets, the side streets... I loved them, i was identified with them, they have no special atention, they are just the side...

One day, the world will be commanded by the side streets...

And, was time to pay a visit to that special person i mentioned... He lived in Pentonville Prison...

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

The City Part III... Nerve Center

My god, work got stressful the next hours... A nuclear bomb coming from Pyongyang made us all crazy... London was a nerve center for almost 10 minutes, my god, people crying, some committing suicide, it was total ludicrous. After all the stupid suffering... IT WAS A FUCKING FALSE ALARM, MADE BY A FUCKING HACKER, i wish the bastard is castrated and then beheaded. He is responsible for at least 40 suicide cases, and giving my beloved sizzling chief a septic shock, my God... Adios dinner with the hottest politician in the UK's history...

Then, i received a call from home... My mother was hurt by a psychopath, she was stable after all, thank God... Parsley was giving the pink slip and also committed suicide, being a bureaucrat was the only thing he knew he could do good... What a shame. Poor fat fuck, his cow was officially declared a widow. Next, the new Highbury Stadium collapsed by act and grace of the Holy Spirit, i could not fucking believe it... And to make things worse, a sexual scandal between two members of the London Assembly was being uncovered by ITV news... My God... Without the sexy goddess... I WAS THE FUCKING MAYOR IN ACTION.. DAMN... I had to resolve this load of bollocks inmediately...

OK you pair, what the hell happened? Mister Ashton, we were only doing some flirting that is all. Oh yes, i believe you Marjorie Simmons, you are the greatest whore in the London Assembly and in the Labour Party, thank you for reminding me that. Don't you say whore to this great women... Oh, Davidson, i forgot she was your sexual slave... Do you think i am stupid or what? I knew about your affairs since i was 12, thanks to my father, the late London mayor Robert Ashton... God rests his soul... You two pieces of shit are going to be impeached tomorrow morning, period. Your little game is over... SECURITY!!...

Being mayor of London for a day blasted my nerves a lot... So i took the liberty (haha, i was the acting mayor after all) to leave office and return to King's Cross to chat a little with Mr. Longtheastrall. Things got worse... Mr. Longtheastrall was shot, thank God it was in the arm, after all, curiosly, he was who sent the sexual scandal report to ITV news, as me, he knew all about this like 14 years ago. I love Mr. Longtheastrall, he is my second dad, only that for the political persecution he has suffered since 2010, i haven't had the chance to live with him in his marvelous mansion... I went to the hospital, and fucking surprise, Mr. Longtheastrall was in a coma... My fucking God... What a hedious day...

I returned to my office, THE MAYOR'S OFFICE... Cool, it was almost as luxurious as a presidential suite in Las Vegas... I began to spy on some drawers and another surprise... The mayor had a crush on me, wicked... She was kind of a Mrs. Robinson, haha... She had pictures of me with multiple kisses with her Liz Claiborne lipstick. And another had a very disturbing and sexual frase. This also made my nerves even worse. Damn, what a day... I was about to explode... My stomach hurted a lot... Better go eat something... I went to the cafeteria to found some sandwiches like those that Mr. Longtheastrall sells. I ate a bunch of those and return to my office to get going some things that Susan "Sexual Simbol" De Witt left stranded in the order of the day...

Yes my friends... the city can be a nerve center sometimes...